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  • Cruzan Aged Light Rum 750 ml

Cruzan Aged Light Rum 750 ml

Country: Virgin Islands /

Style: Spirits /

Size: 750 ml /

Sku: 24619

1 - 11
12 +

* We are unable to ship Spirits at this time via FedEx or Mail. Spirits are available for local delivery via Applejack Delivery.



Cruzan® Aged Light Rum is a blend of rums aged one to four years in American oak casks—then treated to a ?ltration process that brings out the full-bodied taste. The light color resembles that of chardonnay, a distinctive indication of its aging. And it’s smooth

In 1760, a sugar mill began crushing cane at the current site of the Cruzan Rum distillery on the island of St. Croix. Since the early 1800’s the Nelthropp family has lived on and been an integral part of this legendary island’s rich history.