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  • Quady Red Moscato Electra 750 ml

Quady Red Moscato Electra 750 ml

Country: United States /

Region: California /

Style: Wine /

Size: 750 ml /

Vintage: 2022 /

Sku: 17871

$12.99 Reg. $13.99
1 - 11
12 +



*Vintage may vary by location*

Red Electra Moscato, first released in 2000, is garnet red, tastes of succulent cherry, berry, and pomegranate, and has a slight sparkle.

Red Electra Moscato, first released in 2000, is garnet red, tastes of succulent cherry, berry, and pomegranate, and has a slight sparkle. Try it with all kinds of desserts and cheeses including chocolate bon-bons, truffles, spiced holiday cookies, vanilla, and fruit.

Red Electra is made by combining Orange and Black Muscat grapes, and fermenting them very slowly at a low temperature so they keep their delicious flavors. That’s why Red Electra tastes like a bowl full of cherries.