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  • Rex Goliath Moscato 750 ml

Rex Goliath Moscato 750 ml

Country: United States /

Style: Wine /

Size: 750 ml /

Vintage: N.V. /

Sku: 24753

$5.97 Reg. $7.99



*Vintage may vary by location*

Our Moscato is bright, crisp and decadent. It's well balanced with just the right acidity combined with floral aromas that bloom into deliciously sweet flavors of peach and apricot.

Our wines are a tribute to Rex's larger-than-life personality, with bold, fruit-forward flavors that are sure to please. In essence, Rex is all about letting BOLD fruit flavors express themselves in an easy-to-drink, worry-free fashion. Bold Wines. Fun Times.

• Moscato •

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