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  • Wilson Creek Sparkling Almond Wine 750 ml

Wilson Creek Sparkling Almond Wine 750 ml

Country: United States /

Region: California /

Style: Wine /

Size: 750 ml /

Vintage: N.V. /

Sku: 27503

1 - 11
12 +



Persistent small bubbles form a light mousse on top of the wine in the glass. This sparkling is naturally fermented with pure almond flavor added. The almond is very clean and aromatic with sweet almond marzipan dominating the bouquet and lingering in the finish along with a hint of caramelized sugar. Crisp refreshing finish. 

Pairs well with mild cheeses such as Brie and Apricot Stilton cheese. Great with desserts, cuddling, hot tubs, picnics, fireplaces, brunch and weddings. 


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