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  • Crafthouse Pineapple Daiquiri Cocktail 200 ml

Crafthouse Pineapple Daiquiri Cocktail 200 ml

Country: United States /

Style: Spirits /

Size: 200 ml /

Sku: 984578

1 - 23
24 +

* We are unable to ship Spirits at this time via FedEx or Mail. Spirits are available for local delivery via Applejack Delivery.



A perfectly balanced spin-off of the classic daiquiri, our Pineapple Daiquiri blends Plantation Stiggins’ Fancy Pineapple Rum, their 5 Years Barbados aged rum, real lime and a dash of Angostura island-spiced bitters. It is 100% all-natural and gluten-free.

Serve a Pineapple Daiquiri over ice garnished with lime, a pineapple wedge or pineapple fronds.