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  • Crown Royal Canadian Whiskey 750 ml

Crown Royal Canadian Whiskey 750 ml

Country: Canada /

Style: Spirits /

Size: 750 ml /

Sku: 17486

$25.99 Reg. $29.99

* We are unable to ship Spirits at this time via FedEx or Mail. Spirits are available for local delivery via Applejack Delivery.



Crown Royal Deluxe is the standard of excellence for Canadian whisky. It is an extraordinary blend of 50 full-bodied Canadian whiskies, matured to perfection.

The distillery is nestled along the shore of Lake Winnepeg, Crown Royal was first created in 1939 as a gift for the king and queen of England. Fifty of the finest whiskies are meticulously blended to create the signature smoothness of Crown Royal