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  • Meletti Anisette 750 ml

Meletti Anisette 750 ml

Country: Italy /

Style: Spirits /

Size: 750 ml /

Sku: 28980

1 - 11
12 +

* We are unable to ship Spirits at this time via FedEx or Mail. Spirits are available for local delivery via Applejack Delivery.



Distillate of aniseed and other aromatic herbs from the area of Ascoli Piceno. It is produced according to the original recipe made by Silvio Meletti in 1870. It is a sweet strong drink and a glass of it is a sign of good taste. It is served with coffee, ice and water too and it is very good to make cakes and cocktails.

Since 1870, the Meletti family has been producing Italy’s most beloved liqueurs in the fertile lands of Ascoli Piceno on the Adriatic coastal region of Le Marche. Under the direction of Silvio Meletti, the finest, natural ingredients are cultivated.