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Mezzacorona Moscato 750 ml

Country: Italy /

Region: Trentino-Alto Adige /

Style: Wine /

Size: 750 ml /

Vintage: 2022 /

Sku: 26144

$10.49 Reg. $11.99



*Vintage may vary by location*

Our Moscato is cultivated on sunlit heights in the middle of a Mediterranean micro-climate north of the Lake Garda. Hand harvested to ensure optimum ripeness, with such care Moscato produces rich golden fruits.
Mezzacorona Moscato captures the lifted airy scents of Gardenia and flavors of apricot and passion fruit. With its sweet fruity fragrance and soft texture, it's ideal with sweet soups, rich sauces, desserts, dried fruits and cakes.

Suggested Food Pairing:
