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Old Elk Bourbon 750 ml

Country: United States /

Region: Colorado /

Style: Spirits /

Size: 750 ml /

Sku: 95936773

$49.99 Reg. $59.99

* We are unable to ship Spirits at this time via FedEx or Mail. Spirits are available for local delivery via Applejack Delivery.



Old Elk Blended Straight Bourbon Whiskey features a signature mash bill that incorporates four times more malted barley than conventional recipes. The mash bill, along with a slow cut proofing process that allows more time for flavors to marry between proofing stages, results in a recipe that transcends tradition, creating a richer, smoother bourbon.
Tasting notes
Tasting Profile - Best for Sipping Whiskey: Aroma: Sweet vanilla and caramel, clove spice, slight maple, and nutty almond Taste: Maple syrup, almond, raw bran, chocolate, deep wood, and coconut Mouthfeel: Smooth and coating with a lasting flavor