Kahlua Coffee Liqueur 1.75 l Country: Mexico /Style: Spirits /Size: 1.75 l /Sku: 23454 Click Here For Additional Recommendations $37.99 Reg. $39.99 Loyalty price: $36.98Sign up for our NEW loyalty club to get this discount. QUANTITY PRICING Select Quantity or Add a Case -+ Add a Case of 6 Add to Cart * We are unable to ship Spirits at this time via FedEx or Mail. Spirits are available for local delivery via Applejack Delivery. DetailsDetailsKahlua Original Coffee Liqueur is the hero ingredient in many cult cocktails and drinks, to name a few: White Russian, Espresso Martini, Mind Eraser. It will turn the average evening into a fun and different social highlight. KAHLÚA BEGINS IN 1936 WHEN SENIOR BLANCO, MONTALVO LARA AND THE ALVAREZ BROTHERS, HAD A GREAT IDEA. KAHLÚA IS CRAFTED FROM THE FINEST INGREDIENTS THAT GROW SIDE BY SIDE IN RURAL VERACRUZ, MEXICO. THE ACTUAL WORD KAHLÚA HAS TIES TO ANCIENT ARABIC LANGUAGES AND IS SAID TO BE SLANG FOR COFFEE